Diamond Hands ETH

Coin Accumulation

Diamond Hands (DH) is an actively managed options strategy aimed at ETH holders, designed to acquire ETH at favorable prices while generating yield through option premiums. The fund is ETH-denominated.

Our strategy is centered around writing put options to generate income, while also creating opportunities to acquire Ether at lower prices. We prioritize coin preservation, aiming to protect your ETH holdings even in volatile markets.

Coin preservation and meticulous risk management are at the core of our approach, allowing us to navigate market fluctuations while aiming for attractive yield.

Investment highlights

Diamond Hands (DH) is a rule based option selling program designed for investors with ETH holdings looking to generate yield on top of their existing holdings. The fund is denominated in ETH.

Coin accumulation

Diamond Hands aims to accumulate ETH at favorable levels by strategically buying the dip through options and volatility management.

Yield generation

Diamond Hands generates income through options trading and preserves the ETH principal through robust risk management.

Institutional grade infrastructure

Diamond Hands is an investment fund registered with the Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA) and managed by XBTO International Ltd.* Diamond Hands leverages the resources of the entire XBTO Group, including technology, quantitative research, finance, legal and compliance.

Robust risk management

Drawing on more than 9 years of mastery in digital asset trading and risk management, we leverage our strong foundation in traditional finance to expertly navigate the ever-evolving crypto landscape.

* XBTO International Ltd is a licensed digital asset business regulated by the Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA) and is being registered as a Class B person under the Investment Business Act 2003 (as amended) (IBA).
Strategy outcomes across market conditions
  • UP trending market

    Fully benefit while preserving initial ETH position

  • Range-bound market

    Option premium and ETH accumulation

  • Bear market

    Capital preservation and ETH accumulation

Investment process - highlights
  • 1. Sell Put Options

    The Fund systematically sells put options for a portion of its NAV until the options are exercised, triggered by a ETH price pullback. Essentially, the Fund is compensated to “buy the dip”.

Performance (net of fees)

Diamond Hands is a actively managed strategy that aims to accumulate coins at favorable levels and generate yield in ETH with modest risk.

Scroll to the right
Diamond Hands NAV (in ETH)
Key performance metrics
Performance numbers up until Feb-24 (inclusive) are simulated numbers net of fees. Performance metrics based on monthly returns. Note: Max notional exposure of 65% of AUM. Hypothetical simulated performance results have certain inherent limitations. There is no guarantee that the market conditions during the past period will be present in the future. As of 31-Jan-2025.
Impact to passive ETH exposure

Investing existing ETH holdings in a ETH-denominated accumulation strategy not only generates yield but also strategically acquires additional ETH at favorable prices during market pullbacks. This approach can enhance both absolute and risk-adjusted returns in USD terms by growing ETH holdings over time.

Adjusted maximum drawdown & key performance metrics
Scroll to the right
Historical performance in USD
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Sources: Company data, Google Finance. Calculations involving data points prior to inception are based on simulated numbers net of fees since Jan-2020. Adjusted Maximum Drawdown represents the reduction in drawdown experienced when investing ETH holdings in DH ETH, compared to simply holding ETH passively. Performance metrics based on monthly returns. Hypothetical simulated performance results have certain inherent limitations. There is no guarantee that the market conditions during the past period will be present in the future. As of 31-Jan-2025.
Risk management

Diamond Hands implements a robust multi-layer risk management framework.

Proprietary risk systems

The Fund deploys its own proprietary risk systems for real-time monitoring of key risk metrics.

Proprietary risk dashboard: PNL, exposure, greek sensitivities, volatility surface generation, VaR, drawdowns, volume, funding rates, volume, slippage, collateral breakdowns, commissions and margin usage.
Automated alerts:
Performance, exposure changes, new trades, VaR levels.

PM monitoring qualitative and quantitate predefined rules/limits

Adhere to well defined portfolio management guidelines and exposure limits:

Stop Losses: All “accumulated delta” exposure actively risk managed with 5 to 10% stop losses.
Strategy limits: well-defined Value at Risk (VaR) limits to control potential losses at a specific confidence level, position limits to manage exposure effectively.

Governance framework - XBTO Risk Committee

Provides independent management and oversight of the investment management activities.
Defining governance, control and supervision framework:

Portfolio reviews: periodic reviews of allocations, risks, research priorities etc.
Formal policies:
collateral management and risk limits approved by board of directors.
Regulation: XBTO International Ltd is a licensed digital asset business regulated by the BMA.

XBTO overview
  • From 2015 through 2022, XBTO operated exclusively as a proprietary crypto trading and investment firm.
  • Over the years we became a leading infrastructure participant contributing over 2% of global crypto derivatives volume and investing in some of today’s major players.
  • In late 2022, the failings of the industry convinced us to transition into a digital assets investment platform to help institutional players ‘safely’ access digital assets.
  • In 2023, we have completed the acquisition of Stablehouse to round out the core infrastructure and capabilities required to serve the needs of institutional clients and HNW individuals.
  • We are licensed by the Bermuda Monetary Authority and have a presence in 5 locations: Bermuda, Miami, New York, London, Paris and Abu Dhabi next.
Our key partners

XBTO is led by financial industry veterans with an extensive background across firms such as SAC Capital, Goldman Sachs, and State Street.

  • Phil Bekhazi | CEO, Founder | XBTO
    Phil Bekhazi

    CEO, Founder

    Prior experience:
    SAC Capital Advisors, Citibank, Calypso Technology
    >10 years in digital assets, >20 years in financial services

  • Javier Rodriguez | CCO | XBTO
    Javier Rodriguez


    Prior experience:
    Goldman Sachs, Barclays Global
    >25 years in Investment  management

  • Michael Chauliac | COO | XBTO
    Michael Chauliac


    Prior experience:
    Goldman Sachs, Barclays Global
    >25 years in Investment management

  • Richad Idris | Co-Founder, CTO | XBTO
    Richad Idris

    Co-Founder, CTO

    Prior experience:
    Société Générale, Exane, Natixis
    >10 years in digital assets, >20 years in financial services

  • Mark Brazier | CFO | XBTO
    Mark Brazier


    Prior experience:
    PricewaterhouseCoopers, GFI Group, LiquidX
    >20 years in financial services

  • Nicolas Genechesi | Head, Portfolio Management | XBTO
    Nicolas Genechesi

    Head, Portfolio Management

    Prior experience:
    Forum Asset Management, Bainbridge Partners, Timber Hill, Prince St Capital
    >7 years in digital assets, >20 years in financial services

  • Walton Comer | Senior Advisor | XBTO
    Walton Comer

    Senior Advisor

    Prior experience:
    Falcon Bridge Partners, SAC Capital Advisors, Thornhill partners, Lucid
    >10 years in digital assets, >20 years in financial services

  • Mimo Ousseimi | Senior Advisor | XBTO
    Mimo Ousseimi

    Senior Advisor

    Prior experience:
    Bank of America (Merrill Lynch), Goldman Sachs, State Street Research and Management Company
    >30 years in financial services

Key terms
Name of fund
XBTO Crypto Opportunities Fund SAC Ltd.
Cell name
XCOF Diamond Hands ETH
Investment currency
Minimum investment
USD $100,000 equivalent in ETH
Monthly, 45-day notice
Management fee
Performance fee
Investment manager
XBTO International Ltd
Eligible investors
Accredited investors
Fund registration
Bermuda Monetary Authority Professional Class B
RSM Cayman
Fund administrator
NAV Consulting

XCOF Diamond Hands has been founded on a framework of robust risk management and strong governance.

  • 2015
    XBTO was founded and became the first institutional market maker on several major exchanges.
  • 2016
    XBTO opens Paris office.
  • 2017
    XBTO expands into OTC trading, mining and venture capital.
  • 2018
    XBTO expands into Bermuda.
    XBTO joins Blockstream Liquid as a founding node.
  • 2019
    XBTO participates in the first block trade of US-regulated bitcoin futures.
    XBTO obtains Bermuda digital assets license.
  • 2020
    XBTO participates in first micro bitcoin futures trade on CME.
    XBTO expands into Miami.
    XBTO makes a strategic investment in the seed round for Stablehouse, alongside Dragonfly Capital, Liberty City Ventures and Coinbase Ventures.
  • 2021
    Stablehouse secures partnership with the world’s 5th largest fund administrator, Apex for custody & trading white-label platform.
    XBTO becomes the main corporate and jersey sponsor for Inter Miami's Major League soccer team co-owned by David Beckham and Jorge Mas.
  • 2022
    XBTO’s streaming markets volume grows by 2x.
    Proprietary quantitative strategies returned 12.3% in 2022 through the bear market.
  • 2023
    XBTO acquires institutional custody and trading platform Stablehouse.
    Daily volume hit $300,000,000 per day across company verticals.
    XBTO appoints former Goldman MD Javier Rodriguez as Chief Commercial Officer.
This Presentation (the “Presentation”) is intended solely for the use of prospective investors in determining whether or not to pursue any opportunities with XBTO Crypto Opportunities Fund SAC Ltd., XBTO Global Ltd, XBTO International Ltd. Stablehouse Ltd or any of its group or related companies (together, the “Company”).

XBTO International Ltd and Stablehouse Ltd are licensed to conduct digital asset business by the Bermuda Monetary Authority.  The Presentation is of a proprietary nature  and the information contained herein may not be reproduced or redistributed in whole or in part, in any format, without the express written approval of the Company.

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All information contained herein has been provided by the Company or other sources that the Company deems reliable. This Presentation includes certain statements, estimates, and projections provided by the Company with respect to its anticipated future performance. Such statements, estimates, and projections reflect various assumptions concerning anticipated results. No representations or warranties of any kind are intended or should be inferred with respect to any economic return from the Information.

The products, product names, logos, brands, and their trademarks featured or displayed within the Presentation are the property of the Company or upon the consent of their trademark owner.

This Presentation does not purport to contain all of the information that may be required to evaluate any transaction, and any recipient hereof should conduct its own independent analysis of the Company and the data contained or referred to herein. The recipient should rely solely on the representations and warranties made to it by the Company in the executed definitive agreement regarding the transaction (if any). No party has any obligation (whether express or implied) to offer, accept or negotiate any agreement.

Any investment opportunity herein is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation. Any investment opportunity herein is available only for Non-US Accredited Investors. It is the responsibility of each person outside of the United States to comply with any applicable laws and regulations of their jurisdiction before accessing or using this investment.

Past performance, if any, does not guarantee or indicate future results or returns. The value of investments can fluctuate, and investors may lose all or more than their original investment. Investment outcomes are subject to various market, economic, and other risks that may cause future returns to differ from historical performance.

This material is provided for educational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to buy or sell securities, products, or services in any jurisdiction where such an offer is illegal or to any person for whom this offer is illegal.  None of the information discussed herein should be provided to any retail customers.

If you have a complaint or concern about any aspects of our products or services provided in the Information, please contact our Customer Support at support@xbto.com. Please provide clear details of your nature of complaint and we will promptly acknowledge receipt and investigate as necessary.

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