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Achieve superior risk-adjusted returns with digital assets

Coin accumulation

Earn recurring income on your core assets, while preserving your wealth. Invest in derivative-based strategies designed to generate yield and preserve assets.

Learn more about Diamond Hands BTC
Learn more about Diamond Hands ETH

Alpha strategies

Capture alpha in the nascent cryptocurrency markets through active management. Invest in trend-following and multi-strategy mandates, with low correlations to traditional and crypto markets.

Learn more about Trend
Learn more about XCOF

Custom portfolios

We offer diverse investment structures, including active funds, separate account mandates, and custom portfolios, tailored to your specific needs.

Contact us to learn more

Treasury management

Our offerings include secure digital asset custody, advanced risk management, diverse treasury yield products, efficient liquidity solutions, and expert advisory services.

Contact us to learn more

Generational market opportunities

In an era where the traditional 60/40 portfolio is increasingly challenged, XBTO leverages the unique market structure of digital assets to deliver superior risk-adjusted returns.

Diamond hands BTC

Our Diamond Hands strategies are rule-based options programs that are centered around writing options to generate income.

Diamond hands ETH

Our Diamond Hands strategies are rule-based options programs that are centered around writing options to generate income.


XBTO Trend is a systematic strategy aiming to profit from both upward and downward movements in the top 50 liquid cryptocurrency markets.

XCOF Original

XCOF Original is a multi-strategy investment mandate focusing on diversified directional and market neutral strategies, offering a  distinctive asymmetric and uncorrelated return profile.

Frequently asked questions

How can we assist you?

Comprehensive support for your digital asset needs.