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How the market microstructure of digital assets enhances active management



August 22, 2024



How the market microstructure of digital assets enhances active management | Part image by Unsplash

How the market microstructure of digital assets enhances active management | Part image by Unsplash

How the market microstructure of digital assets enhances active management | Part image by Unsplash

The unique market microstructure of digital assets offers significant advantages for active management. Continuous trading hours, diverse trading venues, high liquidity, and market inefficiencies create a conducive environment for implementing sophisticated trading strategies and managing risks effectively.

Key insights for the savvy investor

24/7 market access means you’re always in the game

  1. Key benefits
    No more waiting for markets to open—respond to breaking news, manage volatility, and seize opportunities any time, day or night.
  2. Operational challenges
    The market never sleeps, and neither will you if you’re constantly monitoring your positions.
  3. Active management

    Your strategic advantage relies on a dedicated active manager to provide continuous market oversight, ensuring you can capitalize on opportunities while maintaining peace of mind.

Diverse trading venues give you the upper hand

  1. Key benefits
    Hundreds of venues mean you can diversify risk, find arbitrage opportunities, and trade with greater liquidity.
  2. Operational challenges
    Juggling trades across multiple platforms can get tricky, leading to costly operational mistakes.
  3. Active management

    Active managers expertly navigate this complexity, ensuring your trades are seamless and your strategy stays on track.

Spot and derivatives markets: your strategic playground

  1. Key benefits
    Combining spot trading with derivatives allows you to properly hedge risks, leverage positions, and implement advanced strategies to boost returns.
  2. Operational challenges
    Derivatives implementation can be cumbersome and magnify losses as easily as they amplify gains. Without dedicated expertise, you could be taking on more risk than you realize, especially with leveraged positions or complex instruments like options.
  3. Active management

    Skilled active managers can integrate spot and derivatives strategies, optimizing the tradeoff while keeping risks in check. For example, investors can utilize options to capture upside potential with minimal capital or strategically apply leverage to enhance returns. These strategies are continuously optimized to ensure effective risk management as market conditions evolve. Curious about how these strategies work in action? Our next article will reveal how active managers build resilient portfolios, manage risk, and drive alpha in the digital asset space.

Market inefficiencies? Your opportunity to shine

  1. Key benefits
    Digital asset markets are still growing, with plenty of pricing anomalies and inefficiencies that offer alpha-generation opportunities.
  2. Operational challenges
    Exploiting these inefficiencies demands resources, speed and precision. Hesitate, and the opportunity could vanish in seconds.
  3. Active management

    Equipped with advanced tools and market expertise, active managers are well-positioned to identify and capitalize on these opportunities with precision.

Bottom line: The digital asset market microstructure isn’t just different—it’s especially suited for active management. With continuous trading, diverse venues, integrated markets, and exploitable inefficiencies, you have everything you need to stay ahead and maximize returns.

To learn more about the role of active management in digital assets, download the whitepaper "The Role of Active Management: The Next Step in Investing in Digital Assets"

If you’re curious to dive deeper, be sure to read the full article for a comprehensive exploration of these advantages.

The full breakdown

In our first article, "Navigating Crypto Volatility: The Advantages of Active Management," we explored how the high volatility and low correlation of digital assets with traditional asset classes create unique opportunities for active managers. We discussed how these characteristics enable active managers to execute tactical trading strategies, capitalizing on short-term price movements and market inefficiencies.
Building on that foundation, we now turn our attention to the unique market microstructure of digital assets.

Conducive market microstructure of digital assets

The market microstructure of digital assets - a framework that defines how crypto trades are conducted, including order execution, price formation, and market interactions - sets the stage for active management to thrive. This unique ecosystem, characterized by its continuous trading hours, diverse trading venues, and substantial market liquidity, offers several advantages for active management, providing a fertile ground for sophisticated investment strategies.

24/7/365 market access

One of the defining characteristics of digital asset markets is their continuous, round-the-clock operation.

Unlike traditional financial markets that operate within specific hours, cryptocurrency markets are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all year round. This continuous trading capability is particularly advantageous for active managers for several reasons:

  1. Immediate response to market events: Unlike traditional markets that close after regular trading hours, digital asset markets allow managers to react immediately to breaking news or events that could impact asset prices. For instance, if a significant economic policy change occurs over the weekend, managers can adjust their positions in real-time without waiting for markets to open.
  2. Managing volatility: Continuous trading provides more opportunities to capitalize on price movements and volatility. Active managers can take advantage of this by implementing strategies such as short-term trading or hedging to mitigate risks and lock in gains whenever market conditions change. For instance, if there’s a sudden drop in the price of Bitcoin, managers can quickly sell their holdings to minimize losses or buy in to capitalize on the lower prices.

Variety of trading venues

The proliferation and variety of trading venues is another crucial element of the digital asset market structure. The extensive landscape of over 200 centralized exchanges (CEX) and more than 500 decentralized exchanges (DEX) offers a wide array of platforms for cryptocurrency trading. This diversity is beneficial for active managers in several ways:

  1. Risk management and diversification: By spreading trades across various exchanges, active managers can mitigate counterparty risk associated with any single platform. Additionally, the ability to trade on both CEX and DEX platforms allows managers to diversify their strategies, incorporating different levels of decentralization, regulatory environments, and security features.
  2. Arbitrage opportunities: Different venues often exhibit price discrepancies, presenting arbitrage opportunities. For example, managers can buy an asset on one exchange at a lower price and sell it on another where the price is higher, thus generating risk-free profits.
  3. Access to diverse liquidity pools: Multiple trading venues provide access to diverse liquidity pools, ensuring that managers can execute large trades without significantly impacting the market price.

Spot and derivatives markets (Variety of instruments)

The seamless integration of spot and derivatives markets within the digital asset space presents a considerable advantage for active managers. With substantial liquidity in both markets, they can implement sophisticated trading strategies and manage risk more effectively.

For instance, as of August 8 2024, Bitcoin (BTC) boasts a daily spot trading volume of $40.44 billion and an open interest in futures of $27.75 billion. Additionally, derivatives such as futures, options, and perpetual contracts enable managers to hedge positions, leverage trades, and employ complex strategies that can amplify returns.

Source: Coinglass, Aug 16, 2024

Overall, the benefits for active managers include:

  1. Hedging and risk management: Derivatives offer a powerful tool for hedging against unfavorable price movements, enabling more efficient risk management. For instance, a manager holding a substantial amount of Bitcoin in the spot market can use Bitcoin futures contracts to safeguard against potential price drops, thereby enhancing risk control.
  2. Access to leverage: Managers can use derivatives to leverage their positions, amplifying potential returns while maintaining control over risk exposure. For instance, by employing options, a manager can gain exposure to an underlying asset with only a fraction of the capital needed for a direct spot purchase, thereby enabling more capital-efficient investment strategies.
  3. Strategic flexibility: By integrating spot and derivatives markets, managers can implement sophisticated strategies designed to capitalize on diverse market conditions. For instance, they may engage in volatility selling, where options are sold to generate income from market volatility, regardless of price direction. Additionally, managers can leverage favorable funding rates in perpetual futures markets to enhance yield generation. Basis trading, another strategy, involves taking offsetting positions in spot and futures markets to profit from price differentials, enabling returns that are independent of  market movements.

Exploiting market inefficiencies

Digital asset markets, being relatively nascent, are less efficient compared to traditional financial markets. These inefficiencies arise from various factors, including regulatory differences, market segmentation, and varying levels of market maturity. For example:

  1. Pricing anomalies: Phenomena like the "Kimchi premium," where cryptocurrency prices in South Korea trade at a premium compared to other markets, create arbitrage opportunities. Managers can exploit these by buying assets in one market and selling them in another at a higher price.
  2. Exploiting mispricings: Active managers can identify and capitalize on mispricings caused by market inefficiencies, using strategies such as statistical arbitrage and mean reversion.

The unique aspects of the digital asset market structure create an exceptionally conducive environment for active management. Continuous trading hours and diverse venues provide the flexibility to react quickly to market changes, ensuring timely execution of trades. The availability of both spot and derivatives markets supports a wide range of sophisticated trading strategies, from hedging to leveraging positions. Market inefficiencies and pricing anomalies offer numerous opportunities for generating alpha, making active management particularly effective in the digital asset space. Furthermore, the ability to hedge and manage risk through derivatives, along with exploiting uncorrelated performance, enhances portfolio resilience and stability.

In our next article, we'll delve into the various techniques active managers employ in the digital asset markets, showcasing real-world use cases.

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